The Assam Value Added Tax Rules, 2005. Forms



[See Rule 41(9)]


(To be submitted in triplicate)

T.P. No_________


The Superintendent of Taxes,


In accordance with the provisions of section 76 of the Assam Value Added Tax Act, 2003 and rule 41 of the Rules framed thereunder, I/We the undersigned, do hereby declare that the following consignment of goods has entered into Assam and is bound for the State as mentioned below and that no portion of the consignment will be unloaded within the State of Assam for any purpose other than the purpose of transshipment.

1. Name and address of the transporter, carrier or transporting agent:

2. Registration No. of the vehicle:

3. Name and address of the consignor with Sales Tax registration No. of the concerned State:

4. Name and address of the consignee with Sales Tax Registration No. of the concerned State:

5. Description of goods:

Commodity Quantity Weight Value Bill/Cash Memo. No. & date

6. Consignment Note No. and date:

7. Exact destination of the consignment:

8. Place of transshipment (s), if proposed within Assam:

9. Registration No. of the vehicle (s) after transshipment (s),

(To be filled up at the time of transshipment):

10. Name of the exit checkpost.

I/We hereby declare that the particulars furnished above are true to the best of my/knowledge and I/We undertake to surrender the transit pass with due endorsement from the exit checkpost to the issuing authority one month from the date of its issue.


  Signature of the driver or person in charge of the goods vehicle

(For Office use)

1. Entries at entry check post

  Entry No. :
  Register No, :

Directed the transporter to surrender the endorsed Transit Pass to the issuing authority within thirty days from to-day.

Seal: Signature and seal of the Supdt. of Taxes of entry checkpost.

2. Entries at the exit checkpost.

  Entry No. :
  Register No, :
  Signature and seal of the Supdt. of Taxes of Exit Checkpost
3. Entries at the entry checkpost on surrender of the TP  
Date of surrender:  
  Signature and seal of the Supdt. of Taxes of entry Checkpost