The Assam Value Added Tax Rules, 2005. Forms



[See Rule 40(3)]





(Name and designation of the Office who is to execute the authorisation)

Whereas information has been laid before me of the Commission or suspected commission of the offence .............. (mention the offence concisely) and it has been made to appear to me that the production of books of account, documents or goods which is essential to the enquiry now being made or about to be made into the said offence/suspected offence have been kept or concealed, in the residential premises of

1. Shri ....................
2. Son of ..................
3. Full address ............
4. District ................. State ..............

This is to authorise and require you

(a) to enter and search the said premises for the said books of accounts, documents or goods,
(b) to search any person who has got out of or is about to get into, or is in the said premises,
(c) to seal or break open any box or receptacle suspected to contain books of account, documents or goods,
(d) to seize any books of account, documents or goods found as a result of such search and take possession thereof.

And forthwith report to me about such of the things as may be taken possession of, returning this authorisation with an endorsement certifying what you have done under it, immediately upon its execution. You may requisition the services of any public servant including a police officer to assist you in making the search under this authorisation. The authorisation shall remain in force till ................. after which it shall be returned to me, if not executed.

Given under my hand this ............................ day of .....................

Date .................... ..................
SEAL Signature