Maharashtra Value Added Tax Rules, 2005 History
80. Raw materials and manufacture

80. Raw materials and manufacture

For the purposes of the rules relating to the Package Schemes of Incentives,

    (a) the expression 'raw materials' shall mean components, intermediate goods, consumables, stores, lubricants, fuels of all types, news print, which are used in the process of manufacture and packing materials which are used in the packing of manufactured products and in respect of the units dealing in iron and steel as described in Section 14 of the Central Sales Tax Act, 1956 shall include natural gas used both as fuel and raw materials.

    (b) the expression 'manufacture' or its cognate expression when used in respect of units certified by the State Industrial and Investment Corporation of Maharashtra Limited (SICOM) or, as the case may be, the Directorate of Industries (but not in respect of units certified by any other implementing agency) shall include the following processes,-

      (i) conversion of hot rolled sheets/strips into cold rolled sheets/strips,

      (ii) conversion of steel sheets/strips into galvanised sheets/strips,

      (iii) conversion of thicker gauges of iron and steel sheets into thinner gauge of iron and steel sheet,

      (iv) drawing wire from wire rods or galvanising wire,

      (v) giving heat treatment, threading and casing of seamless pipes,

      (vi) processing of un-wrought, semi manufactured or concentrated forms of gold and silver into refined bullion.