The Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act, 2002. NOTIFICATIONS


Maharashta Value Added Tax Act, 2002.

-In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (3) of the section 35 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act, 2002 (Mah. IX of 2005), the Commissioner of Sales Tax, Maharashtra State, Mumbai is hereby pleased to delegate the powers and duties under sub-sections (1), (2) and (4) of section 35 of the said Act to the authorities holding any of the posts specified below in the Schedule appended to this notification, for the period during which any such authority continues to hold such post.


Serial No. Post Place
1 Joint Commissioner of Sales Tax (A) (Enforcement) Mumbai.
2 Joint Commissioner of Sales Tax (B) (Enforcement) Mumbai.
3 Joint Commissioner of Sales Tax (C) (Enforcement) Mumbai.
4 Joint Commissioner of Sales Tax (D) (Enforcement) Mumbai.