The Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act, 2002. NOTIFICATIONS

Notification No. VAT-1505/CR-125/Taxation 1 Dated 1st April, 2005 -

In exercise of the powers conferred by section 84 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act, 2002, (Mah. IX of 2005), the Commissioner hereby requires the registered dealers specified in column (2) of the Schedule appended hereto, to declare details of goods held by them in stock at the close of business on the 31st March 2005, details of set-off claimed on the above mentioned stock, details regarding capital assets held by them in stock at the close of business on the 31st March, 2005 and details of set-off claimed on the above mentioned stock of capital assets in the 'Form' appended to this notification to the authorities specified in column (3) of the Schedule by the date specified in column (4).


Sr. No. Class of dealers Authority Date
(1) (2) (3) (4)
1 The registered dealers who wish to claim the set-off under rule 51 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Rules, 2005 of the tax paid under any earlier law on goods held in stock by them at the close of business on the 31st March, 2005. The assessing officer who was in charge of the case on the 31st March, 2005. 30th April 2005



(Under section 84 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Acts, 2002)

Statement of claim of set-off under the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act, 2002, relating to stock held on the preceding of the appointed day

Name of the dealer  
MVAT Act R.C. No.   Date  

I / We attach hereto the details of stock held by me / us as at close of business on 31st March, 2005 and the corresponding purchases made by me / us within the State, on which I / we, am / are eligible for set-off in terms of the provisions of the rule 51 the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Rules, 2005.

Summary of the set-off claimed under various categories, the details of which are given in the attached statement, is as follows.

Statement Reference Particulars Quantity of goods held in stock Unit of Qty. Amount of set-off (Rupees)
  Set -off relating to trading goods      
T-3 Set off of sales tax paid separately on purchases under the BST Act      
T-4 Set off of sales tax inclusive purchases under the BST Act      
T-5 Set off of purchase tax paid under sections 13, 14 and 41of the BST Act      
T-6 Set off of tax paid separately under the Maharashtra Works Contract Tax Act      
T-7 Set off of tax paid separately under the Maharashtra Right to Use Tax Act      
T- 8 Set-off of tax paid separately under the Bombay Sales of Motor Spirit Taxation Act, 1958      
T- 9 Set-off of Entry Tax paid under the Maharashtra Tax on Entry of Motor Vehicles into Local Areas Act, 1987      
T- 10 Set-off of Entry Tax paid under the Maharashtra Tax on the Entry of Goods in Local Areas Act, 2002      
  Set off relating to capital assets      
C-3 Set off on sales tax paid separately on purchases under the BST Act      
C-4 Set off on sales tax inclusive purchases under the BST Act      
C-5 Set off on purchase tax paid under sections 13, 14 and 41of the BST Act      
C-6 Set off of tax paid separately under the Maharashtra Works Contract Tax Act      
C-7 Set off of tax paid separately under the Maharashtra Right to use Tax Act      
C-8 Set-off of Entry Tax paid under the Maharashtra Tax on Entry of Motor Vehicles into Local Areas Act, 1987      

* Amount of set-off relating to trading goods to be claimed in the first return starting from 1/4/2005.

** Amount of set-off relating to capital goods to be claimed in the period in which the capital asset is sold. In respect of capital assets, this statement would serve the purpose of stock declaration as on 1/4/2005.

I / we hereby declare that:

1) the particulars given in this statement are true and correct;

2) original of the purchase bills and sales tax Form 31 in respect of tax inclusive purchases mentioned in the attached statement(s) are available with me / us and would be submitted for verification, if required to do so; 3) no set-off in respect of these purchases has been claimed under the provisions of the BST Act or the Maharashtra Right to use Any goods for Any Purpose Act, and the Rules made there under;

4) set-off claimed relating to trading goods would be reversed if the said goods or part of the goods, as the case may be, remain unsold as on 31.12.2005;

5) in respect of set-off on trading goods, I / we undertake to reverse set-off, partially or fully, as the case may be, if the said goods are not sold but disposed otherwise;

6) set-off on capital assets would be claimed only if when the capital assets are resold and provided such capital assets are resold on or before 31/12/2005; and

7) as regards set-off on trading goods, presently, I / we are filing monthly / quarterly / six-monthly returns. Accordingly, I / we would be claiming credit of set-off in the first return to be filed.

Place: Signature:
Date: Designation:

Note :

1) Separate statement to be submitted for trading goods and capital assets.

2) In respect of purchases under the Maharashtra Works Contract Tax Act and the Maharashtra Right to Use Act, tax amount / composition amount should have been shown separately.

3) Capital assets covered in this statement should have been purchased on or after 1.4.2003.

4) Tax element included in tax inclusive purchases under the BST Act, 1959 to be worked out as per formula given in Rule 44D of the BST Rules, 1959.

5) In case corresponding purchases cannot be co-related, co-relation to be done based on first in first out principle.

6) In case only part of the quantity purchased under a bill is in stock, taxable purchase price and sales tax amount or tax inclusive purchase price, as the case may be, to be shown pro-rata

7) Sr. No. in Part 2 of the statement should be corresponding to purchases in Maharashtra shown in Part 1 of the statement.

8) Sr. No. and quantity of goods purchased in Part T-3 to T-10 and C-3 to C-8 should be corresponding to Sr. No. in Part 2 of the statement.

Statement of set-off relating to trading goods

Part T-1: Details of opening stock as on 01.04.2005

Sr. No.

Description of goods Goods Purchased in Maharashtra Imports, Inter State Purchase, Branch Transfer etc.
Quantity of goods held in stock Unit of quantity Value of the goods

(Rs. In thousands)

Quantity of goods held in stock Unit of quantity Value of the goods

(Rs. In thousands)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Part T-2: Details of purchases corresponding to quantity of goods purchased in Maharashtra

Sr. No.

Booking Voucher No. Name and place of the supplier R.C. Number and Date Bill No. and Date Quantity Unit of quantity Category wise quantity of purchase
Purchases where Tax paid separately Tax inclusive purchases Purchase tax paid purchases
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Part T-3: Set off on sales tax paid separately on purchases under the BST Act

Sr. No. Quantity of goods purchased Unit of quantity Net purchase price Sales tax amount (Rs.) Total amount including sales tax (Rs.) Set-off Amount (Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Part T-4: Set off on sales tax inclusive purchases under the BST Act

Sr. No Quantity of goods purchased Unit of quantity Total purchase price (Rs.) Effective rate of tax under the BST Act applicable to the tax inclusive price Set-off amount


1 2 3 4 5 6

Part T-5: Set off on purchase tax paid under section 13, 14 and 41of the BST Act

Sr. No Quantity of goods purchased Unit of quantity Net purchase price


Rate of purchase tax Purchase Tax Amount


Set-off amount (Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Part T-6: Set off on sales tax paid separately purchases under the Maharashtra Works Contract Tax Act

Sr. No Quantity of goods purchased Unit of quantity Net purchase price


Tax Amount


Total amount including tax (Rs.) Set-off amount (Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Part T-7: Set off on sales tax paid separately purchases under the Maharashtra Right to Use Tax Act

Sr. No Quantity of goods purchased Unit of quantity Net purchase price


Tax Amount


Total amount including tax (Rs.) Set-off amount (Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Part T-8: Set off on sales tax paid separately purchases under the Bombay Sales of Motor Spirit Taxation Act, 1958

Sr. No Quantity of goods purchased Unit of quantity Net purchase price


Tax Amount


Total amount including tax (Rs.) Set-off amount (Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Part T-9: Set off on Entry tax paid under the Maharashtra Tax on Entry of Motor Vehicles into Local Areas Act, 1987

Sr. No Quantity of goods imported into the state Unit of quantity Value


Entry Tax Amount (Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5

Part T-10: Set off on Entry tax paid under the Maharashtra Tax on Entry of Goods in Local Areas Act, 2002

Sr. No Quantity of goods imported into the state Unit of quantity Value


Entry Tax Amount (Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5

Statement of set-off relating to capital assets

Note: This is only a stock declaration of capital assets and set-off can be claimed only in the period in which the said capital assets is resold and provided such sale in made on or before 31.12.2005.

Part C-1: Details of opening stock as on 01.04.2005

Sr. No.

Description of goods Goods Purchased in Maharashtra Imports, Inter State Purchase, Branch Transfer etc.
Quantity of goods held in stock Unit of quantity Value of the goods

(Rs. In thousands)

Quantity of goods held in stock Unit of quantity Value of the goods

(Rs. In thousands)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Part C-2: Details of purchases corresponding to quantity of goods purchased in Maharashtra

Sr. No.

Booking Voucher No. Name and place of the supplier R.C. Number and Date Bill No. and Date Quantity Unit of quantity Category wise quantity of purchase
Purchases where Tax paid separately Tax inclusive purchases Purchase tax paid purchases
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Part C-3: Set off on sales tax paid separately on purchases under the BST Act

Sr. No. Quantity of goods purchased Unit of quantity Net purchase price


Sales tax amount (Rs.) Total amount including sales tax (Rs.) Set-off Amount (Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Part C-4: Set off on sales tax inclusive purchases under the BST Act

Sr. No Quantity of goods purchased Unit of quantity Total purchase price (Rs.) Effective rate of tax under the BST Act applicable to the tax inclusive price Set-off amount


1 2 3 4 5 6

Part C-5: Set off on purchase tax paid under section 13, 14 and 41of the BST Act

Sr. No Quantity of goods purchased Unit of quantity Net purchase price


Rate of purchase tax Purchase Tax Amount


Set-off amount (Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Part C-6: Set off on sales tax paid separately purchases under the Maharashtra Works Contract Tax Act

Sr. No Quantity of goods purchased Unit of quantity Net purchase price


Tax Amount


Total amount including tax (Rs.) Set-off amount (Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Part C-7: Set off on sales tax paid separately purchases under the Maharashtra Right to Use Tax Act

Sr. No Quantity of goods purchased Unit of quantity Net purchase price


Tax Amount


Total amount including tax (Rs.) Set-off amount (Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Part C-8: Set off on Entry tax paid under the Maharashtra Tax on Entry of Motor Vehicles into Local Areas Act, 1987

Sr. No Quantity of goods imported into the state Unit of quantity Value


Entry Tax Amount (Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5