Maharashtra Value Added Tax Rules, 2005 FORMS

FORM 506

(See rule 55 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Rule, 2005 )

Refund Adjustment Order

Book No. _______________________

Voucher No. ___________________





1. Certified with reference to the refund records of (name ) M/s ______________________________________________________bearing Maharashtra Value Added Tax TIN No. ______________________ for the period from ____________________to ____________________________ that a refund of Rs. ______________________________is due to (name) M/s ____________________________________________________________.

2. This refund will be adjusted towards the amount of tax due from the said refundee for the period from __________________to ______________. The refundee shall attach this order to the return to be furnished by him for the period against which the adjustment is made.


Place ____________ Signature ______________________
Date ____________ Designation ______________________