Maharashtra Value Added Tax Rules, 2005 FORMS

FORM 420

(See rule 39 )

Form of Notice under sub section (10) of section 29 of The Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act, 2002



No. : Dated :

Sub: - Intimation under sub section (6) of section 32 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act, 2002

With reference to the above mentioned subject, I have to inform you that an order of forfeiture under section 29 is passed in the case of following dealer whose details are as under :

(1) Name of the dealer / person ______________________________________________________
(2) Name and Style of the business if any ______________________________________________________
(3) TIN under MVAT Act, 2002 if any ______________________________________________________
(4) Address of place of business / person ______________________________________________________
(5) Amount of excess tax collected ______________________________________________________
(6) Period of order From ______________________ To _____________________
(7) Date of order of forfeiture ______________________________________________________


Place ____________  
Date ____________ Designation ___________________