Maharashtra Value Added Tax Rules, 2005 FORMS

FORM 419

(See rule 47)

Refund order of for forfeited amount under sub-section (6) of section 32 of The Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act, 2002



No. : Dated :

Sub: - Refund order of forfeited amount.

Ref: 1) This office intimation in Form _______dated ____________

2)Your application in Form ________ dated ________________

This is with reference to above cited subject your claim of refund of tax which was collected from you in contravention of section 60 of Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act, 2002 *( The details are given below) is found by me to be valid and admissible

(1) Name of the dealer / person ______________________________________________________
(2) Name and Style of the business ______________________________________________________
(3) R.C. No.under MVAT Act, 2002 ______________________________________________________
  TIN No. (if any ) ______________________________________________________
(4) Address of place of business ______________________________________________________
(5) Amount of tax collected ______________________________________________________
(6) Date of order of forfeiture ______________________________________________________

Now, there I, in exercise of powers conferred/ delegated on me by sub-section (6) of section 32 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act, 2002 , refund to Shri./M/s _______________________________ _________sum of Rs._________________(in words________________________________________________ _____________________________________________only ) as amount collected in contravention of 60 of the said Act .


Place ____________   Signature ___________________
Date ____________ Designation ___________________