Maharashtra Value Added Tax Rules, 2005 FORMS

FORM 418

(See rule 39 )

Intimation to a person under sub section (6) of section 32 of The Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act, 2002



No. : Dated :

Sub: - Intimation under sub section (6) of section 32 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act, 2002

With reference to the above mentioned subject, this is to inform you that an order order of forfeiture under section 29 is passed in the case of following dealer whose details are as under :

(1) Name of the dealer ______________________________________________________
(2) Name and Style of the business ______________________________________________________
(3) TIN under MVAT Act, 2002 ______________________________________________________
(4) Address of place of business ______________________________________________________
(5) Amount of excess tax collected ______________________________________________________
(6) Period of order From ______________________ To _____________________
(7) Date of order of forfeiture ______________________________________________________

From the records of the above dealer it is seen to that the amount or part of the amount was realised from you by the said dealer.

You are requested to apply in Form No.413 with necessary documents to the under signed for refund of Excess Tax collected from you by the aforesaid dealer in contravention of section 60 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act, 2002.

Enclosed: Form 413.


Place ____________  
Date ____________ Designation ___________________