Maharashtra Value Added Tax Rules, 2005 FORMS

FORM 417

(See rule 45(6) )

Order Sanctioning instalments under section 32(4) of The Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act, 2002



No. : Dated :

Sub: - Grant of Instalment in respect of payment of tax, penalty, interest or as the case may be the sum forfeited.

Ref :- Your application dated._____________________


This is in reference to your application cited above. I hereby grant instalments as shown in table below . The instalments are for a total amount of ____________ ( tax_________, penalty_________, interest _____________)and are the period from ______________to ____________.


S.No. Amount

(in Rs.)


(in Rs.)

Total Amount

(in Rs.)

Due date of payment

Above instalments are granted subject to following terms and condition.

(i) You are hereby directed to pay the instalments regularly on or before the dates specified No default should be made in paying any of the instalments by due dates.

(ii) You are hereby directed that if you fail to produce the receipted copy of the chalan before me concerned authority within three days of the due date, then the facility of instalment will stand automatically cancelled and concerned authority will proceed to recover dues as per the provision of law.

(iii) This order is in respect of the period and recovery mentioned at the beginning of this order and the grant of instalment is without prejudice to the other provisions of this Act, including levy of penalty or interest or both.

(iv) This order does not cover any amount other than the once covered by this order, .

(v) You will not be allowed to merge any amount due for any period beyond the period covered by this order in the amount in respect of which facility is granted.

(vi) The amounts payable as per the returns for any period subsequent to the period covered by this order should be paid within prescribed time as provided by the law.


Place _____________  
Date _____________ Signature and stamp of Issuing Authority"

Copy to :

(1) _______________________________Recovery Authority It is requested to keep watch on payment and take immediate action if there is default either in the payment of above instalment or current dues, If the payments are not made within stipulated time, necessary action for recovery action under section 33 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act, 2002 may be initiated at once.

(2) Office copy.