Maharashtra Value Added Tax Rules, 2005 FORMS

FORM 708

(See Rule 75)

Authority for person who is a relative or a person regularly employed under Section 82 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002.

I, ____________________________who am/is*_____________________________________ of **________________________________________who is a Registered dealer holding a Registration Certificate No.______________________________dated_______________________ hereby appoint Shri_______________________________________who is my relative (viz. my wife, husband, father, brother or sister) / a person, who is on my/our regular employment and whose monthly salary is being debited in the Books of Accounts (strike out whichever is not applicable) to attend on my behalf/behalf of the said ______________________before____________________________ (State the sales Tax Authority) in the proceedings _________________________________________ (describe the proceedings) before the said________________________________[State the Sales Tax Authority] and to produce accounts and documents and to receive on my [behalf/behalf fo the said _____________________any notice or document issued in connection with the said proceedings and to take all necessary steps in the said proceedings.

The said Shri _____________________________________________is also hereby authorised to act on my behalf/behalf of the said________________________________in the said proceedings. I agree/the said _____________ agrees to rectify all acts done by said Shri ______________________ in pursuance of this Authority.

Place: _________________ Signature: _________________
Date __________________ Status:____________________

* State here status such as Proprietor, Partner, Director, Manager, Secretary or Office-in-Charge.

** State here the name of the dealer as entered in the Certificate of Registration.


I, ____________________________________________________________do hereby state that I am a relative /a person regularly employed by me/by the above named_____________________ I accept the aforesaid appointment.

Place: _________________ Signature: _________________
Date __________________ Status:____________________