Maharashtra Value Added Tax Rules, 2005 FORMS

FORM 702

(See Rule 7)

Complaint against any authority for vexations order or wilful underassessment under sub- section (1) of section 12 of Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act, 2002





Subject: Action against____________________________for vexatious order or wilful under assessment


I/We, the udersigned, do hereby state that the above mentioned authority has passed a false/vexations order in my/our case or the said authority has not acted upon the application made by me/us. ** The details are as under.

Name of the dealer
Registration Certificate Number under M.V.A.T. Act, 2002
Address of the dealer
Name and designation of the officer who has passed the order/before whom the application is filed **
Period of the Order
Nature of the Order / Subject matter of the application**
Order passed u/s_____
Date of the Order / Date of the application **
*Brief nature of complaint

You are requested to look into the matter and take appropriate action as required under section 12.

Enclosure: Copy of the order

  Yours faithfully
Date________________ Signature__________________________
  Name of the complainant _____________
Place _______________ Status_____________________________

* Annex a separate page, if necessary

** Strike out whichever is not applicable