Maharashtra Value Added Tax Rules, 2005 FORMS

FORM 505

(See rule 62 (2))

Interest payment order under section 53 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act, 2002

Book No     Voucher No.  
Interest on Delayed Refund

Counterfoil Order for payment of interest on delayed refund under The Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act, 2002

Interest on delayed refund payable to .....................

Registration Certificate No......................

Date of Order directing the payment of interest on delayed refund ...................

Amount of delayed refund on which interest is claimed or payable Rs..............

Amount of interest to be paid on delayed refund Rs................................



Date ............................................

Signature of the recipient of the Voucher...................

  Interest on Delayed Refund

Order for payment of interest on delayed refund under The Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act, 2002 (Payable at the Government treasury within three months of the date of issue)


The Treasury Officer _____________________________


(1) Certified that with reference to return /assessment /appeal record of _____________ bearing Registration Certificate No.____________ for the period from __________ to _______________ an amount of Rs. _________ is/was required to be refunded to



(2) Certified that the payment of the said refund was delayed for a period of ________________ and that the dealer has claimed / is entitled to interest under section 53 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act, 2002, for the delay in granting refund

Place     Signature  
Dated     Designation  

Date of encashment in the Government Treasury ........................................   (3) Certified that the dealer is entitled to Rs.________

as the interest on delayed refund and that no order for the payment of interest has previously been granted and that this order for payment of interest has been entered in the original file from which refund is granted under my signature

Please pay to______________________________

The sum of Rs_____________ In words __________


Date __________

Signature __________

Pay Rs.___________________________ Only

Treasury Officer _______________

Date of encashment in government treasury

Received payment

Claimant's signature ______________________