Maharashtra Value Added Tax Rules, 2005 FORMS

FORM- 502

(See rule 60 (2) )

Order Sanctioning refund under the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act, 2002

Category of the dealer claiming refund (Please tick one or more appropriate box)
Exporter Unit Specified in the Explanation to sub-section (3) of section 8 Dealer making inter-State sale PSI unit holding Entitlement Certificate Dealer claiming refund in last return of the financial year Newly registered dealer claiming refund at the end of second financial year
Details of the dealer who has applied for refund    

Name of the dealer
Entitlement Certificate No., if any
Address of place of business
Period of the return
Amount of refund applied for
Date on which application for refund has been filed

  * The dealer has adjusted excess or balance excess against the tax payable according to return, and return pertaining to month of March / quarter ending March / six monthly return ending March, as the case may be, shows the refund of Rs. ___________________.
  The amount of tax, interest and penalty, if any, due from the dealer for the period mentioned above has been paid in Government Treasury and no recovery is outstanding on date of issue of refund.
  The balance of Rs. ______________is refundable to dealer under section 50 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax, Act 2002. I have satisfied myself that no refund regarding this sum has been previously granted. The dealer has submitted all the returns upto month or quarter or six monthly period ending on ______________________
  I, therefore, hereby order the sum of Rs. _____________ should be refunded to the dealer by Refund Payment Order/ Refund Adjustment Order payable to M/s ___________________________________.

Place ____________   Signature of Refund issuing authority __________________
Date ____________      

*Strike whichever clause is not applicable. "

Copy to :

M/s _________________________
