Maharashtra Value Added Tax Rules, 2005 FORMS


Form 501

(See rule 60(1))

Application for refund under section 51 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act, 2002


  Transaction id of filing of e-Annexure

(Mandatory to all application)

  Transaction id of filing of Annexure B

( Mandatory for claim under VRS)

  Transaction id of filing of Annexure C (Mandatory for dealer having interstate sale/ consigmement transfer/ penultimate export etc.)  
(Please select the Desk of Application Receiving Officer of the Location)  

Sub:- Application for refund under section 51 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act, 2002


I /We, the undersigned, has / have filed return / revised return / fresh return in which refund has been claimed by me / us. The details are as under:

1. Category of the dealer claiming refund (Please tick one or more appropriate box)
Exporter Unit Specified in

The Explanation to subsection (3) of section 8

Dealer making interstate sale PSI unit holding Entitlement Certificate` Dealer claiming refund in last return of the financial year Newly registered dealer claiming refund at the end of second financial year

  Name of the dealer*
5 Entitlement Certificate No, if any
6 Certificate No. issued by JCST in respect of dealers covered under sub-section (3) of section 8, if any
7 Address of place of business
8 Details of Bank Account in which refund sought*
  Name of Bank
  Account Number-
9 Period of the return in respect of which refund is claimed* (DD/MM/YY)
From To
10 Nature of return filed (Regular / Revised /Fresh)
11 Date of filing of return*
12 Amount of refund claimed as per thisapplication*
13 Amount of refund claimed so far during the year
Period Amount
14 Tax paid /Refund claimed during the previous year(VAT+ CST)
Payment Refund
15 Whether willing to furnish Bank guarantee
16 Name and designation with whom contact is to be made with Phone and Mobile No,

* These fields are mandatory.

I / We, hereby declare that I/we is/are a dealer holding certificate of Entitlement under Package Scheme of Intensive and the amount of refund is equal to set-off admissible on raw materials

The particulars given above and in the statements of purchases annexed hereto are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

I / We are ready to comply with the necessary requirements.

You are requested to grant the refund in my/our case.

Thanking You.

Yours faithfully,

Place:   Name of the dealer  
E-mail id:   Designation and Status  
Fax No.:      

Annexures to Application for refund in Form 501


(Please select the Desk of Application Receiving Officer of the Location)

TIN Of The Claimant Dealer                        

Details of the Purchases




Tax Invoice No. Invoice Date



TIN of the Supplier Net Tax Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Note:- If the refund is brought forward from the earlier return period, then this annexure period should be from the first date of such return period till end of the return period Tin which refund is claimed.


(Please select the Desk of Application Receiving Officer of the Location)

TIN Of The Claimant Dealer                        

Sub: -Request for early grant of Refund amount under the Voluntary Refund Scheme:-

Ref:- Our refund application in F-501dated_____________________


For return period _________________________________________

For Amount of Rs. ________________________________________


In respect of the above referred refund application, I / we wish to apply for the early grant of refund under Voluntary Refund Scheme. I/ we shall adhere to the terms and conditions, if any.

Further, I am/we are aware that any refund as per above scheme, if wrongly claimed/granted shall be recovered from me/us along with interest as per the provisions of the Law.

Thanking you.

  Yours faithfully,


I/WE, hereby, voluntary agree and declare that, -

1. I/we will provide certified copies of all the returns pertaining to the period covered by the refund application, if required. (Refund claiming return as well as the returns in which the amount of set-off has been

carried forward to the next period).

2. In case I/we have received part refund against the refund claimed in the application then I/we will file only one application in addition to the application already filed so as to claim the remaining part of the refund, if any under VRS. Such additional application shall only be filed after six months from the date of receipt of the said part refund under the VRS.

3. I/We undertake that I/we shall repay the amount of refund alongwith interest, if wrongly granted.

4. I/we, hereby, further certify that there are no Sales Tax Dues outstanding towards us. I/we also declare that the amount of refund under this application has neither been carried forward to the any of the subsequent period nor been adjusted against any liability against us.

5. I/we further, agree that the Commissioner of Sales Tax reserves the right of refusal of my/our eligibility under VRS.

  Yours faithfully,


Commissioner of Sales Tax,

Maharashtra State, Mumbai