Maharashtra Value Added Tax Rules, 2005 FORMS

FORM 412

(See Rule 47)

Notice for forfeiture and for imposing penalty under section 60 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act, 2002





R.C. No. Under M.V.A.T.Act, 2002
R.C. No, under C.S.T.Act, 1956

Period   From   To  

*(i) You have collected by way of tax a sum Rs.___________________in respect of sales of goods on which by virtue of section 5 of the Act no tax is payable , OR

*(ii) not being registered dealer, you have collected on your sales of goods a sum Rs._______by way of tax from other persons in contravention of section 60 of the said Act, OR

*(iii) being a registered dealer, you have collected on your sales of goods in contravention of said section a sum of Rs.____________by way of tax from other persons through you were not liable to pay tax in respect of such sales, OR

*(iv) being a registered dealer, you have collected by way of tax a sum of Rs.__________in excess of amount of tax payable by you in contravention of said section of the said Act, OR

You are hereby directed to attend at ___________(place) at (time) on ________date and to show cause why,

*(a) a sum of Rs_______________or such other sum as may be finally determined as collected by you by way of tax in contravention of section 60 should not be forfeited, and /


*(b) a penalty under sub-section (10) of section 29 of the said Act should not be imposed on you.


Place_________________ Signature _________________
Dated ________________ Designation ________________

*strike out whichever clause is not applicable