Maharashtra Value Added Tax Rules, 2005 FORMS


FORM 315

[See Rule 21(1)]

Notice under Sub- section (6) of section 23 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act, 2002





Reference No.

R.C. No. under M.V.A.T. Act, 2002  
R.C. No. under C.S.T. Act, 1956  

Whereas I am of the opinion that (F) tick mark which ever is applicable):-

(1) The turnover of sales and/or purchases has been incorrectly recorded, or

(2) Tax has been paid at the lesser rate, or

(3) The set-off has been wrongly claimed or the deduction has been wrongly claimed, in respect of the period/(s) from ------------------ to --------------.

You are now hereby directed to attend at ---------------------------------- (place) at------------------------- (time) ---------------------------- on --------------------------------------- -- (date) and to show cause as to why you should not be assessed under sub-section (6)

of section 23 of the said Act.

You are further directed to produce or cause to be produced the following documents and accounts.

(1) ----------------------------------- ---------------------------- --------------------

(2) ----------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------

(3) ----------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------

(4) ----------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------

and to furnish or cause to be furnished the following information.

(1) ----------------------------------- ---------------------------- --------------------

(2) ----------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------

(3) ----------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------

(4) ----------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------

You may also produce or cause to be produced any other evidence for determining the correct amount of tax payable by you for the said period.

Place Signature
Date Designation: