Maharashtra Value Added Tax Rules, 2005 FORMS

FORM 312

(See Rule 33)

Admission memo-cum-stay order under section 26 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act, 2002



R.C. No. M.V.A.T. Act, 2002  
R.C. No. C. S. T. Act, 1956  
Reference no.

Subject:- Stay application preferred by you against the assessment /*appeal order for the period from _______to _________passed by _____________________________


The above cited stay application is admitted for final hearing on part payment of Rs. _______________. Necessary instructions are being issued to the concerned Officer to stay the recovery proceedings pursuant to assessment / appeal order referred herein above.

Please note that the grant of this stay order is without prejudice to the penalty under section 29(8) of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax, Act, 2002 that may be leviable from the date of assessment order to the date of payment.

The stay order will cease to be operative on and from the date of decision of the appeal petition or from the date it is vacated.

  Yours faithfully

Place Signature _______________________
Date Designation and Status ___________

Copy to______________________


He should stay the recovery proceedings till the decision of the appeal for the above mentioned period or till the date this stay order is vacated, whichever is earlier.

*(Strike out whichever is not applicable)