Maharashtra Value Added Tax Rules, 2005 FORMS


(See rule 46)

Notice for payment of tax due according to a return under section 20 of The Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002






(i) M.V.A. T.R.C. No.
(ii) C.S.T.R.C. No.
(iii) Period covered by the return From

Where as the return under section 20 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act, 2002 for the above period has been furnished by you, but the amount of tax as shown at (iv), which is due according to the return has not been paid / not fully paid as required under sub-clause (i) of clause (a) of sub-section (4) of section 32 the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act, 2002.

(iv) The amount of tax payable shown in the returncum-chalan is

(v) But the copy of return-cum-chalan shown that you have made the payment of

(vi) Balance amount which is required to be paid (iv-v)


You are hereby directed to pay the balance amount shown at (vii) into the Government Treasury forthwith and produce the receipted copy of the chalan in proof of payment before me failing, which the said amount may be recovered from you as per provision of section 33 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act, 2002 as arrears of land revenue.

(vii) Balance amount now payable
Rs. in figure ________________________________

Rs. in words ________________________________


Date ___________________________ Signature ___________________________
Place ___________________________ Status ___________________________