Maharashtra Value Added Tax Rules, 2005 FORMS


(See sub-rule 16(1) and (2) )

Declaration / Revised declaration under Section 19 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act, 2002

I/We the undersigned engaged in the business and liable to pay the tax under the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act, 2002, do hereby declare / declare in suspercession of the previous declaration of the said concern that the person / persons mentioned herein below shall be deemed to be the Manager of the said businesses at / at all places of business within the State of Maharashtra for the purpose of the said Act, and he/ they shall at all times comply with the provisions of the said Act and the rules made there under. The necessary deails are as under.

1) Name of the Applicant ________________________________________________
2) Name and Style of business ________________________________________________ 
3) Registration Certificate Number under the MVAT Act, 2002 (not applicable if declaration is filed along with application for registration) .


4) Name of the person deemed to be the Manager of the said business ________________________________________________
5) Address of the person deemed to be the Manager of the said business ________________________________________________ 
6) Counter signature of the person nominated ________________________________________________ 
7) Status of the person nominated ________________________________________________ 
For items at serial numbers 5, 6, 7 and 8 if more than one person has been declared to be the Manager of said business, the above particulars should be entered in a separate sheet which should be attached to this form duly signed and dated by the applicant.
8) Permanent Account Number as per Income Tax Act 1961 of the person(s) deemed to be the Manager ________________________________________________ 



* Signature


* The declaration shall be signed in the case of-

(a) a Hindu undivided family by its Karta.
(b) an association, club or society, by its President or Chairman or the Secretary.
(c) a firm, by the partners having a total share of not less than 50 per cent.
(d) a private limited company, by all its directors or where there are no directors by the authorised representative.
(e) a public limited company or co-operative society, by the managing agent or where there are no managing agents, by the managing director or the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Secretary.
(f) an individual, by the proprietor,
(g) the Government, by an officer duly authorised by it.
(h) a business run by a guardian or trustee or otherswise on behalf of another person, by the guardian, trustee, or the person managing the business.

** Enter here one of the following as may be applicable

a) The guardian/trustee or...............................................on behalf of............................................ a Hindu undivided family known as...........................................................................................
b) An association/club/society known as......................................................................................
c) A firm known as.........................................................................................................................
d) A private limited company known as........................................................................................
e) A public limited company/co-operative society known as......................................................