Maharashtra Value Added Tax Rules, 2005 FORMS


(See rule 11)

Application for cancellation of Registration Certificate

under Section 16 of the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act, 2002






Subject:- Application for cancellation of Registration Certificate under section 16 of The Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act, 2002

I, the undersigned hereby apply for the cancellation of Registration Certificate issued or deemed to have been issued under the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act, 2002. The details are as follows:

1) Registration certificate number under MVAT Act, 2002 _________________________________________________
2) Registration certificate number under CST Act, 1956 _________________________________________________ 
3) Name and style of the business _________________________________________________ 
4) Name and the status of the applicant _________________________________________________
5) Address of the principal place of business _________________________________________________
Telephone No (with STD Code) _________________________________________________
Fax No. (with STD code) _________________________________________________
e-mail _________________________________________________
6) Address for correspondence, if it is different from the address given at Sr. No. 5 _________________________________________________



Telephone No (with STD Code) _________________________________________________
Fax No. (with; STD code) _________________________________________________
e-mail _________________________________________________

7) Application for cancellation of the certificate of registration under the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act 2002, is on account of-

(a) * the said business having been discontinued with effect from_______________________________

(b) * the said business having been transferred to M/s________________________________________

In accordance with the section 44 with effect from___________________________________________

(c) * Change in the ownership of the said business as follows:-

(f)* the turnover of sales and the turnover of purchases of the said business during the year__________ having failed to exceed the threshold limit specified in section 3(4), the details of which are as follows:-

Period The turnover of all sales of all places of business In Maharashtra The turnover of all purchases of all places of business in Maharashtra
  Taxable goods (Rs.) Tax free goods (Rs. Taxable goods (Rs.) Tax free goods (Rs.)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

(h) * Other reasons (Please Specify)


I,__________________________hereby solemnly declare that what is stated herein above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Date________________________ Signature__________________________
Place________________________ Status____________________________

* Strike out whichever phrase/clause is not applicable


Name of the Applicant  
Name and Style of Business  
Registration Certificate No. under MVAT Act, 2002  
Received application in Form-103 for cancellation of the Certificate of Registration issued under the MVAT ACT, 2002  

Date_____________________ Signature of the Receiving Officer _____________________
Place____________________ Designation____________________________