The Gujarat Value Added Tax Rules, 2006

FORM 302

[See sub- rule (1) of rule 31]

Notice for audit assessment under section 34 (2) of the Gujarat Value Added Tax. Act, 2003.

To, Office Address:

Registration Certificate Number ________________________

Period of self-assessment _____________________

(1) Whereas I desire to satisfy myself with the bonafides of claim of tax credit / exemption / refund / deduction / concession / rebate of genuineness of declaration/evidence furnished in support of self-assessment of the annual returns furnished by you in respect of the period

(2) The detailed scrutiny of your books of accounts, document and evidence is necessary.

You are hereby directed to attend at (place).............................................. on (date)........................... at (time).................. and to produce or cause to be produced books of accounts and all evidence on which you rely in support of your returns.

Place:   Signature Name of the Officer
Date:   Designation