Body 89.The Goa Sales Tax Deferment-cum-net present value compulsory payment scheme, 2003.-

(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, Rules or Notifications, but subject to such conditions as the Government may by general or special order in Official Gazette, specify, where the dealer to whom the benefit under the Goa Sales Tax Deferment-Cum-Net Present Value Compulsory Payment Scheme, 2003 has been granted and when respective Net Present Value as provided in the said Scheme has been deposited in accordance with the provision of this Act or earlier law or rules made thereunder, the balance amount of net tax payable/output tax payable, shall be deemed to have been paid.

(2) The Government may modify the Goa Sales Tax Deferment-Cum-Net Present Value Compulsory Payment Scheme, 2003 or replace it by a new scheme as the circumstances may require and in that eventuality of modifying or replacing the said scheme, the benefit conferred on the eligible unit shall continue unless such eligible unit opt to be out of the Scheme.

(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, rules or notifications framed or issued thereunder, the Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, frame Scheme for allowing concession in tax payable under this Act, to new units, on commencing their production, on such terms and conditions as it may deem fit.