Body 65. Provisional Attachment to Protect Revenue in certain Cases.-

(1) If, during the course of inquiry in any proceedings including proceedings related to recovery of any amount due, in respect of any person or dealer or during any inspection or search in relation to the business of any person or dealer under this Act, the Commissioner is of the opinion that for the purpose of protecting the interests of the revenue it is necessary so to do, then he may, notwithstanding anything contained in any law for the time being in force or any contract to the contrary, attach provisionally by notice in writing any immovable or movable property including goods in stock and capital assets of the business or otherwise and/or any money due or which may become due to such person or dealer from any other person or any money which any person holds or may subsequently hold for or on account of such person or dealer:

Provided that, the Commissioner may, by an order, revoke such notice if the dealer furnishes, to the Commissioner, in such time, such security, for such period, as may be specified in the order.

(2) Every such provisional attachment shall cease to have effect after the expiry of a period of one year from the date of service of the notice issued under sub-section (1):

Provided that, the Commissioner may, for reasons to be recorded in writing, extend the aforesaid period by such further period or periods as he may think fit, so however that, the total period of extension shall not in any case exceed two years.

(3) The powers under this section shall be exercised by the Commissioner himself or the Additional Commissioner having jurisdiction over the area under this Act.

(4) Where a notice under sub-section (1) is served upon any person provisionally attaching any money, then, such person shall be personally liable, so long as the attachment notice is not revoked or has not ceased to have effect, to pay to the Commissioner, the amount of money so attached.