Bihar Value Added Tax Rules, 2005 FORMS

    Form C-V

Order of refund of tax by adjustment under Bihar Value Added Tax Act, 2005.

    [See Rules 43 and 44]

Book Number


Serial Number


Name of the Circle


(i) With reference to the claim in form A-VIII/A-IX by M/s ............................................................................................_____ bearing Taxpayer Identification number ......................._____ for the year/month ending .......................___ 20________, I am satisfied that a refund of Rs. (amount in figures and words) is due under rule 43/rule 44 of Bihar Value Added Tax Rules 2005 to M/s. .....................................................................____
(ii) The amount of tax/interest/penalty concerning which this refund is being allowed has been duly deposited in the Government Treasuary and details of such deposit are detailed below -
Sl. No. Challan/Cheque/Bank-Scroll/ DD No. Date Amount
(iii) No refund order regarding the sum in question has previously been granted and this order of refund has been entered in the relevant records under my signature.
(iv) This refund is to be adjusted towards .......................________ dues from this dealer for the period from ....................... to .............................................._ Please, therefore, debit to Bihar Value Added Tax Act 2005 [40- Sales Tax Refunds- ....................................................................................................................................................
  (amount in figures and words)] and credit the amount to [040- Sales Tax-Taxes- Receipts under the Bihar Value Added Tax Act 2005].

Place .............................................. Signature of Issuing Authority ..............................
Date .............................................. Designation ..........................................................
  Seal of the Office
Memo No  ...................................... Dated  ......................................

Copy forwarded to ..........................................................................for information

  Signature ..............................................................
  Designation ...........................................................

(to be returned by the Treasury/Bank to the ................................................ of Commercial Taxes

Memo No  ...................................... Dated  ......................................

Office of the .............................................................. of Commercial Taxes ............................................... Circle


The ....................................................of Commercial Taxes,................................ Circle




Refer to your memo number....................... dated .......................

I have adjusted the refund of Rs..................................................... payable to Mr/Messers ........................................................................................ .

The voucher of refund bears serial number .............................. dated .................................. .

Treasury officer/Manager of the Bank