Bihar Value Added Tax Rules, 2005 FORMS

Form A-VII

Application for Revision under section 73 of the Bihar Value Added Tax Act, 2005

[See rule 45(4)]

Before the Commercial Taxes Tribunal, Bihar Patna

I, ___________________________ (full name) _______________________ son of __________________ (full name) _______________________ hereby prefer this application for revision of the order dated ________________ passed by ___________________________ and furnish the following particulars for that purpose:-

1 Name and style of the business. ..............................................................................................................
2 Registration No. ..............................................................................................................
3 Address to which communication should ordinarily be dispatched.
(a) Mohalla/ Road .............................................. (b) Village/ Town .................................................
(c) Post office .................................................... (d) Police-station .................................................
(e) Sub-division ................................................. (f) District ............................................................
(g) Pincode ....................................................... (h) Telephone .....................................................


4 Period to which the application relates. .......................................................................................................
5 Details of turnover and tax assessed

(to be furnished only in case of an application for revision concerning an assessment / re-assessment)

Particulars As determined by assessing authority As determined in appeal or revision As Admitted by the applicant
1 2 3 4
(a) Gross turnover .......................................... ......................................... ..........................................
(b) Taxable turnover .......................................... ......................................... ..........................................
(c) Total amount of tax re-assessed. .......................................... ......................................... ..........................................
(d) Section under which re-assessment made. .......................................... ......................................... ..........................................

6 Amount of penalty, if any imposed and section under which imposed.
7 Details of payment made
Challan No. Date Amount


1. .......................................... .......................................... ..........................................
2. .......................................... .......................................... ..........................................
8 Amounts in dispute :
  (a) Tax Rs. .............................................  
  (b) Penalty Rs. .............................................  
  (c) Total Rs. .............................................  
9 List of papers and documents filed :
  (a) Challan No. .................................. Dated .................................... Showing deposit of fee payable on this application.
  (b) Certified copy of the appellate/re-visional order against which this application has been preferred.
  (c) True typed copies of the final orders at the original stage, appellate stage and the preceding revisional stage or stages, if any.
  (d) Two extra copies of this application.
10 Statement of the facts of the case and prayer
  (a) The facts of the case are as follows:-


  (b) The points at issue are as follows:-


  (c) The grounds for revision are as follows:-


  (d) The relief sought is as follows:-



I do hereby declare that the above particulars and statements are correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Place____________________________ Signature ______________________
Date ____________________________ Status ________________________


Received on ________________ from __________________ an application for revision in Form A-VII for the period _______________ together with/without the papers and documents specified in item 9 of the application.

The revision No. allotted is ______________________________ of _____________________

  Signature of Receiving Authority ...................................
  Designation ....................................................................