




Application Category: Salesman Permit / Exhibition or Exchange Mela / Compounding

Application / Registration Renewal / Application for Liability Certificate

Name of Dealer :

Trade Name :

Salesman Permit

    1. List of Commodities to be covered under the Permit :

    2. Number of permits required:

    3. Date from which permit is required

    4. Fee to be paid (e-payment) :

Exhibition or Exchange Mela

    1. List of Commodities to be covered under the Exhibition :

    2. No. of Premises where exhibition is conducted:

    3. Address of each premises:

    4. Movement of Consignment to the premises: Interstate purchase / Interstate stock

    transfer / Import / Intrastate Stock transfer / Local purchase

    5. Consignor Details:

    6. Period of exhibition: From .... To......

    7. Fee to be paid (e-payment):

Compounding under Section 8

I hereby opt to pay tax under Sections 8 of KVAT Act, 2003 and Section 7 of the KGST Act, 1963 and Rules made there under.

Category of Dealer: Works contract / Gold / Cooked Food / Bar Hotels - Cooked food / Bar

Hotel Liquor / Metal Crushers / Chicken / CD Libraries / Medicine/Multi-level Marketing Entity.

1. Works Contract

I hereby opt for payment of tax under Clause (a) of Section 8 of the Kerala Value Added Tax Act, 2003 in respect of the following works:

    1. Compounding for the year

    2. Compounded for all works undertaken by me for the year : Yes / No

    3. If no, I opt for work-wise compounding scheme

    4. Whether having interstate purchase : Yes / No

    5. Whether executing works awarded by Govt. of Kerala / Kerala Water Authority /

    Local Authorities only. - Yes / No

Details of compounding (in case of work wise compounding the following details relating to subsequently awarded works has to be updated in the KVATIS within one month from the date of agreement )

    1. Serial Number

    2. Name and address of the awarder

    3. Work order number and date

    4. Description of work

    5. Location

    6. Whether compounded for the previous year

    7. Total contract amount

    8. Amount received upto the preceding 31st March

    9. Compounding rate applicable 3% / 3% + tax on interstate purchases / 4%

Details to be furnished in case of builders

    1. Serial number

    2. Name of the project

    3. Type (with plinth area in of each type)

    4. Number of flats / villas under each type

    5. Proposed sq. ft. value

    6. Total estimated value

    7. Rate of tax

2. Gold Compounding

    a. Compounding opted for the previous year

      i. Total Turnover for the previous year: ________ (below 10 Lakhs / Above 10 Lakhs & below 40 Lakhs / Above 40 Lakhs & below 1 Cr / Above 1 Cr.

      ii. Tax paid or payable whichever is higher for the previous year: ______

    b. Compounding not opted for the previous year

      i. Annual Turnover: _______(below 10 Lakhs / Above 10 Lakhs & below 40 Lakhs / Above 40 Lakhs & below 1 Cr / Above 1 Cr.

      ii. Tax paid or payable whichever is higher for the preceding 3 years

        Year 1 :_____ Year 2 : ______ Year 3 : ______

    c. New branches opened in the current year: Yes / No

    Sl.No. Name of the branch Address of the branch

    d. if transacting business for less than one year :

    Month Turnover Output Tax Due Net Tax payable

    e. Whether transacting business under brand name : Yes / No

    Sl.No. Name of Franchisee TIN

3. Cooked Food Compounding

    a. Hotels excluding bar hotels

      i. I opt for compounding for the financial year :

4. Bar Hotels / Club / Heritage Hotels . Cooked food

    a. I opt for compounding for the financial year :

      i. Compounding opted for the preceding year

        1. Tax paid during the preceding year :

      ii. Compounding not opted for the previous year

        1. Turnover for preceding three years :

          a. Year 1:

          b. Year 2:

          c. Year 3

        2. Location : Municipality / Corporation / Panchayat

        3. Star Status :

      iii. Tax paid or payable whichever is higher for the preceding 3 years

        1. Year1 :

        2. Year 2 :

        3. Year 3 :

(Turnover includes turnover of cooked food and beverages prepared by you and turnover of packed water, cigarettes and soft drinks purchased from registered dealers.)

5. Bar Hotels . Liquor

    a. I opt for compounding for the financial year :

      i. Location : Municipality / Corporation / Panchayat

      ii. Star Status :

      iii. Compounding status for the previous years:

        1. Year 1 - Yes / No . TOT paid / Payable

        2. Year 2- Yes / No . TOT paid / Payable

        3. Year 3- Yes / No . TOT paid / Payable

        4. Year 4- Yes / No . TOT paid / Payable

        5. Year 5- Yes / No . TOT paid / Payable

6. Metal Crusher Units

    a. I opt for compounding for the financial year :

    b. Single Crusher only Jaw Size:

      1. upto 30.48cm X 22.86cm

      2. Exceeding 30.48cm X 22.86cm and upto 40.64cm X 25.40cm

    c. Multiple Crusher

    Jaw Size No. of Primary Crushers No. of Secondary Crushers
    upto 30.48cm X 22.86cm    
    Exceeding 30.48cm X 22.86cm and upto 40.64cm X 25.40cm    
    Exceding 40.64cm X 25.40cm    

    d. Cone Crusher: Yes / No

    If yes, Number of Cone Crushers : ______

7. Chicken

    a. I opt for compounding for the financial year :

      i. Location : Corporation / Municipality / Panchayat.

      ii. Number of branches :

      iii. Check posts of entry into the State

    8. CD Library

      a. I opt for compounding for the financial year :

        i. Location : Corporation / Municipality / Panchayat.

        ii. Number of branches :

    9. Medicine Dealers

      a. I opt for compounding for the financial year :

        i. Whether compounding on MRP opted for the preceding year : Yes/No

      10. Multi-level Marketing Entity

        a. I opt for compounding for the financial year :

        i. Whether compounding on MRP opted for the preceding year : Yes/No

      Liability Certificate

      a. Name & Address of Awarder : i. Balance payment :
      b. TIN of Awarder (if any): j. Sub Contract if any:
      c. Nature of contract (Specify): k. Whether Compounding opted for the contract :
      d. Work order No. and date : l. Nature of Compounding opted :

      (Annual / work wise)

      e. Work Site Address: m. Rate of Compounding :
      f. Period of work: n. Interstate Purchase Value :
      g. Gross Contract Amount: o. Advance Tax Paid :
      h. Payment received up to previous year:  

      Registration Renewal

      1. I request for renewal of registration for the year:

      2. Changes if any in the constitution of business: Yes / No

      (If Yes, fill in online registration form entirely and the details will be updated only after approval of the assessing authority) .