76 Procedure in case of death of appellant or revision petitioner pending proceedings.-

(1) If a person who has filed an appeal or revision or against whom any appeal or revision is pending before any authority under the Act, other than the High Court, dies before the conclusion of the final hearing of the same, the authorized representative appearing for the party or any of the legal representatives, shall, as soon as he comes to know of the death, inform the appellate or revisional authority, as the case may be, about it. The authority concerned shall, thereupon, adjourn further proceedings to enable the impleading of the legal representatives of the deceased. The application for impleading may be filed either by the party interested in getting final orders passed on the proceedings or by any legal representative of the deceased, even though not so interested. The Application shall be in Form No. 35

(2) If the application for impleading is not made within sixty days of the date of death of the party, the proceedings shall abate as regards the deceased.

(3) The proceedings referred to in sub-rule (1) shall not abate by reason of the death of any party between the conclusion of the final hearing, and the passing of the order, but the order may, in such case, be passed notwithstanding the death of the party and shall have the same force and effect as if it had been passed before the death took place.

(4) If a question arises in any such proceedings as to whether a person is or is not the legal representative of a deceased party, the appellate or revisional authority, as the case may be, may determine the question summarily after taking such evidences as it deems necessary or direct the person asserting to be the legal representative, to produce an order of a competent court to establish his assertion and adjourn the proceedings for the purpose.

(5) Where a pending proceedings referred to in sub-rule (1) abates, no fresh proceedings shall be started on the same cause of action.

(6) If during the pendency of any proceedings referred to in sub-rule (1) before any appellate or revisional authority specified in the said sub-rule, the business of any party thereto is assigned to or devolves upon some other person, either wholly or in part, the appellate or revisional authority may, on the application of such assignee or other person, add him as a party to the proceedings.

(7) If a party to a proceedings referred to in sub-rule (1) becomes insolvent and his estate becomes vested in a Receiver, the latter may, at the instance of the assessing authority, be made, by leave of the appellate or revisional authority, a party to the proceedings.