Body 9. Determination of total turnover:-

(1) The total turnover of a dealer for the purposes of these rules shall be the aggregate of-

    (a) the amount for which goods are sold by the dealer;

    (b) the amount for which goods, which is liable to tax under sub- section(2) of section 6, are purchased by the dealer;

    (c) contract amount received or receivable, in the case of a works contract,

    (d) all receipts from transfer of right to use

Provided that where a dealer in petroleum products is having turnover in respect of the goods coming under Fourth Schedule, such turnover shall not be considered for the purpose of computing the eligibility for paying tax by such dealers under sub section (5) of section 6 of the Act

(2) For the purpose of sub-rule (1), the amount for which goods are sold by a dealer shall,-

    (a) omitted

    (b) omitted

    (c) in relation to Annual Maintenance Contract where the goods transferred in the execution of such contract is ascertainable from the accounts of the dealer be the turnover of such goods (which shall not exceed the total amount of the contract) calculated by adding the gross profit as per accounts to the purchase value of the goods and where the goods are not so ascertainable be fifty percent of the amount of the contract.

(2A) where, in a works contract, the awarder supplies a portion of the goods involved in the execution of the works contract and deducts the value of the material from the payment made to the contractor, the turnover of the goods so supplied shall form part of the total turnover of the awarder as well as the contractor.

(3) Omitted w.e.f 23rd April, 2007

(4) The amount payable for a contract which does not involve any transfer of goods, whether as goods or in some other form, shall not be deemed to be turnover for the purpose of this rule.

(5) Amounts claimed by a dealer to be not includible in his total turnover, as representing discount allowed in accordance with the provisions of clause (ii) of Explanation III to clause (lii) of section 2 shall be that allowed in respect of sales effected during the period to which the return relates and is allowed in accordance with the regular practice in the trade. Where a dealer has claimed any amount as discount during a return period, he shall not revise the claim subsequently so as to enhance the amount of discount relating to such return period.