



[See rule 138, rule 144, rule 148, rule 156 and rule 161]

Form of memorandum of appeal under section 84/ application for revision under section 86/ application for revision under section 87/ application for review under section 88 of the West Bengal Value Added Tax Act, 2003

Details of fees paid:- Amount (Rs.) Date Bank Branch Challan No.

(a) Nature of petition /application [put (tick) in appropriate box]
Appeal under section 84  


Revision under section 86  


Revision under section 87  


Review under section 88  


B. Memorandum / Application submitted before  
C. Trade name of the appellant / applicant  
D. Certificate of Registration No. under W.B.V.A.T. Act 2003, if any


E. Address of the principal place of business in West Bengal, if any  
F. Address for communication, if other than in E above  
G. Mobile Telephone No. of appellant / applicant  
H. E-mail ID of appellant / applicant  

(I) Prayer for stay of realisation of disputed demand and documents attached/submitted along with Form 68 [ Put (tick) if attached / submitted]

a. * I pray for stay of realisation of disputed demand/I do not pray for stay of realisation of disputed demand

b. Receipt of Fees Paid

c. Copy of Notice of Demand

d. Copy of Order against which the application / petition is made

e. Grounds of Appeal / Revision/Review

(c) Particulars relevant for the memorandum of appeal / application for revision / review :-

6. Designation of the officer who passed the order  
7. Date of receipt of the relevant notice of demand, if any  
8. Date of receipt of order against which the petition / application is made  
9. Appeal Case Number, if any (only for revision u/s 87/review u/s 88)  

(d) Particulars of provisional assessment or any other assessment relevant for memorandum of appeal under section 84 / application for revision under section 87/review under section 88: -

(a) The particulars of your appellant's / applicant's turnover of sales, taxable turnover of purchases, taxable contractual transfer price, etc and of tax, tax credit, interest, penalty and late fee, as assessed under section 45/section 46/section 48(1)/ section 48(2) /section 50/section 51/section 53A, and as modified / confirmed in appeal, [Put <f applicable] and the relevant amounts admitted to be payable by your appellant / applicant are given below:-

SI. No

Particulars Amount as per demand notice/ order (Rs.) Admitted Amount (Rs.)  
Turnover/sale or purchase price /TCTP etc. Tax ,Interest, late fee etc. Turnover /sale or Purchase Price /TCIP etc. Tax interest late fee etc.
I Turnover of sales on which tax is payable and output tax thereon        
II Taxable turnover of purchases and output tax thereon        
III Taxable contractual transfer price (TCTP) and output tax thereon        
IV Total output tax        
V (A) Net tax credit allowed u/s 22(17)        
  (B) Amount of ITC adjusted with tax payable under C.S.T. Act, 1956        
  I Amount of ITC already refunded u/s 61/22(8A)        
  (D) Amount of ITC surrendered u/s 22(8 A)        
  (E) Net tax credit carried forwarded to next period        
  (F) Amount of ITC adjusted with output tax for this period        
VI Input tax credit accumulated during the period [for EC holders]        
VII Remission of tax under section 118(1)1 [for EC holders]        
VIII Net Tax Payable / Further unadjusted Net Tax Credit        
IX Deferment of tax under section 118(1)(a) [for EC holders]        
X Penalty imposed u/s 45(2) / 46(2)        
XI Late fee payable u/s 32(2)        

(a) Interest payable for the period u/s 33/34        
(b) Interest payable for the period u/s 34A        
XIII Tax, interest, penalty and late fee paid by challans        
XIV Tax deducted at source as per Form 18 furnished        
XV Total amount of tax, interest, penalty and late fee paid        
XVI Sale price and tax thereon under section 16A [ for casual dealers]        
XVII Purchase price and tax thereon under section 17A

[for casual dealers]

VIII Any other item not specified above (specify)        

(e) The particulars of your appellants / applicants disputed amounts of turnover of sales, taxable turnover of purchases, taxable contractual transfer price, etc. and tax, tax credit, insert, penalty and late fee are given below :



Particulars Turnover /TCTP(Rs.) Tax /tax credit/interest/late fee /penalty in dispute (Rs.)
I Turnover of sales on which tax is payable and output tax thereon    
II Taxable turnover of purchases and output tax thereon    
III Taxable contractual transfer price and output tax thereon    
IV Net tax credit allowed u/s 22(17)    
V Input tax credit accumulated during the period [for EC holders]    
VI Net tax payable / Further unadjusted net tax credit    
VII Interest determined / re-determined u/s 50 / 51    
VIII Late fee payable u/s 32(2)    
IX Penalty imposed u/s 45(2)/46(2)    
X Tax, interest, penalty and late fee paid by challans    
XI Tax deducted at source as per Form 18 furnished    
XII Total amount of tax, interest, penalty and late fee in dispute    
XIII Tax payable under section 16A [for casual dealers]    
XIV Tax payable under section 17A [for casual dealers]    
XV Any other item not specified above (specify) .........................................    

(f) Particulars in respect of an order, other than an order of provisional assessment or any other assessment, as relevant for the application for revision under section 86 / review under section 88 : -

Particulars Amount of demand as per order (Rs.) Admitted Amount (Rs.) Disputed amount (Rs.)
(a) Order imposing penalty under *section 23(4)/ section 25(2)/ section 27E/ section 30C/ section 30E/ section 39(4)/ section 40(5)/ section 65/ section 77/ section 78/ section 79/ section 80(5)/ section 96(1)/ section 101(1)/ section 117 :      
(b) Order for demand of security under section 26 / section 80(3): State the nature of order [ e.g. amendment of RC]:.      
(c) Amount of demand by an order under section/rule ........      
(d) Any other order under section ................................... Of the Act      

12. Your appellant / applicant has made the following payments in respect of the order referred to in 10 or 11 above.

(A) Before order referred to in serial 10 / serial 11 above is passed (B) After order referred to in * serial 10 / serial 11 above is passed [if payment of one type is by more than one challan, mention the total amount and attach separate sheet]
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount Date Name of bank branch Challan No.
Tax   Tax          
Interest   Interest          
Penalty   Penalty          
Late Fee   Late Fee          
Security   Security          

13. Your appellant / applicant has collected Rs. .............................................. as tax under the WBVAT Act, 2003 for the period.

14. Being aggrieved by the afore-mentioned order dated .................................... of ............................................ [designation of authority] your appellant / applicant begs to prefer this appeal / revision / review petition on he following grounds :-


(Here enter the grounds on which you rely for the purpose of this appeal / revision / review petition attach separate sheet, if required)

a b c

Your appellant / applicant, therefore, prays that he may be assessed accordingly or that he may be declared not to be chargeable to tax, penalty, late fee and interest under the Act or that the provisional assessment or any other assessment made may be modified/cancelled and/or remanded to the assessing authority for reassessment or that the order dated ............................. imposing penalty/demanding security may be set aside and/or that your *appellant / applicant may be granted such relief or reliefs as may be deemed just and proper.


I, ............................................................................................................... the appellant / applicant, do hereby declare that all tax, interest, late fee and penalty admitted to be due in respect of the order of provisional assessment or any other assessment / imposition of penalty / demand of security / any other order against which this petition for

appeal / revision / review is submitted has been paid as shown in 12(B) above, and that what is stated herein is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Place: Signature.............

Date : Name of the appellant/applicant.............

Status ............................

Put (tick) in appropriate box wherever required. Strike out or remove what is not applicable.

[# To be signed by the appellant / applicant dealer or casual dealer or person or by an agent duly authorised in writing in this behalf.]