CHAPTER XV : Incentives to industrial units - deferent of payment of tax by new or expanded industrial units, conditions and restrictions for deferment and certificate of eligibility therefor, remission of tax payable by new or expanded units, conditions and restrictions for remission and certificate of eligibility therefor, exemptions of sales by newly set up small-scale industrial units, conditions and restrictions for exemption and certificate of eligibility therefor.

177. Remission of tax payable by a newly set up industrial unit or the expanded portion of an existing industrial unit -

(1) Where a registered dealer manufactures any goods, in a newly set up industrial unit established by him, or in an expanded portion of an existing industrial unit, in West Bengal, the output tax payable under the Act by such dealer who is entitled to enjoy the remission of tax under clause (c) of sub-section (1) of section 118, according to his returns referred to in sub-section (1) of section 32 in respect of sales of such goods manufactured in such unit shall, subject to sub-clause (c) of sub-section (1) of section 118 and subject to such conditions and restrictions as prescribed in these rules, continue to be remitted for the balance unexpired period.

(2) The balance unexpired period in respect of which the dealer is eligible for remission of tax under sub-rule (1) (hereinafter referred to as the "available eligible period") shall commence from the appointed day and shall expire on the completion of such period.

Provided that payment of tax shall not be remitted after the amount of output tax or the aggregate of the amounts of such tax payable from the appointed day, exceeds any of the limits prescribed under sub-rule (3) at any time before the completion of the available eligible period.

(3) The amount of output tax or the aggregate of the amounts of such tax payable that the dealer is eligible for remission under clause (c) of sub-section (1) of section 118 for the whole of the available eligible period shall be such balance un-expired amount of the specified percentage of the gross value of fixed capital assets which he would have continued to enjoy under section 41, section 42, or section 43 of the West Bengal Sales tax Act, 1994 (hereinafter referred to as the "previous Act") on sales of goods manufactured in such newly set up industrial unit or expanded portion of existing industrial unit, as the case may be, on the appointed day had this Act not come into force, or the amount (hereinafter referred to as the "balance available amount") in rupees which remains after deducting the amount of tax that has already been remitted by him under the provisions of the previous Act, up to the day immediately preceding the appointed day, or seventyfive crore rupees, whichever is less:

Provided that where the location of a newly set up industrial unit in West Bengal or the expanded portion of an existing industrial unit in West Bengal has been changed, either in full or in part, to a place with a higher available eligible period, such newly set up industrial unit or the expanded portion of an existing industrial unit, as the case may be, shall not be entitled to such higher available eligible period for such change of location:

Provided further that where such unit has been relocated, either in full or in part, to a place with a shorter eligibility period, the total eligibility period shall be re-calculated on the basis of the period of eligibility available at the new location but under no circumstances such re-calculatd period shall be less than the period already enjoyed by the dealer at its old location.

(4) A registered dealer availing of the benefit of remission of tax under this rule shall, notwithstanding such remission, furnish returns as required by section 32 and the rules made thereunder. (5) For the contravention of any provisions of these rules, the benefit of remission of tax under clause (c) of sub-section (1) of section 118 shall, subject to such conditions and restrictions as prescribed elsewhere in these rules, be discontinued even before the expiry of the available eligible period referred to in sub-rule (2).