Body 20. Inadmissibility of input tax credit or input tax rebate in certain cases -

(1) No input tax credit or input tax rebate shall be allowed to a registered dealer,-

    (a) against his purchases if the amount of tax paid or payable by him, under section 10, or section 14, or sub-section (3) of section 24, or sub-section (3) of section 27C, has not been separately charged and shown in the tax invoice as referred to in clause (48) of section 2 issued to him by a registered dealer, or a dealer who is entitled to issue tax invoice under sub-section (1) of section 64, from whom purchase of such goods have been effected; or

    (b) against his purchases where the amount of tax is not actually paid by the selling registered dealer in accordance with the provisions of sub-section (4A) of section 22.

    (c) in respect of purchases made by him unless he accepts for such purchases, from the selling registered dealer, or a dealer who is entitled to issue tax invoice under sub-section (1) of section 64, an original tax invoice, as referred to in clause (a) of sub-section (5) of section 22, containing all the required information as prescribed in rule 91 and which has been duly obtained from the dealer against a bona fide transaction; or

    (ca) who is a contractor, of the tax paid by him, to a registered sub-contractor, on execution of works contract by such sub-contractor, when such contractor claims deduction in the return under clause (c) of sub-section (2) of section 18, or

    (d) for tax paid or payable by him at the time of purchase of goods if such goods have been lost or destroyed or damaged beyond repair because of any theft, fire, or natural calamity and cannot eventually be sold; or

    (e) in respect of the capital goods lying in stock with him on the date of his incurring liability under section 10 or section 11, or section 14, or sub-section (3) of section 27C of the Act; or

    (f) on goods held in stock by him when he has opted to pay tax under any of the sub-sections of section 16 or sub-section (4) of section 18; or

    (g) on goods purchased by him during the period of enjoyment of composition of tax under sub-section (3), or sub-section (3A), or sub-section (3B), or sub-section (6), of section 16 or sub-section (4) of section 18 of the Act; or

    (h) on goods which remain unsold at the time of closure of business; or

    (ha) on the amount standing as unutilised credit on the day the dealer exercises his option to pay tax under sub-section (3), or sub-section (3A), or sub-section (3B), or sub-section (6), of section 16 or sub-section (4) of section 18; or

    (hb) save as mentioned in sub-rule (6) of rule 19, on goods held in stock by him on the date he became ineligible to pay tax at compounded rate under sub-section (3),or subsection (3A), or sub-section (3B), or sub-section (6), of section 16 or sub-section (4) of section 18; or

    (hc) on goods purchased by him during a period upon payment of tax at such rate as may be fixed by the State Government under sub-section (2) of section 19 and where the dealer has claimed or intends to claim deduction from his turnover of sales in accordance with the provisions of rule 26RA being sales of the goods so purchased; or

    (i) where goods are used for manufacturing goods specified in Schedule A, for the purpose other than export.

(2) No input tax credit or input tax rebate shall be available to a dealer to whom a tax invoice has been issued by the selling dealer under sub-rule (10) or sub-rule (11) of rule 106.

(3) Where some goods become tax-free from a particular date, then from that date no input tax credit or input tax rebate shall be available to the registered dealer on sale of such goods lying in the stock or on using such goods as input for making other goods.

(4) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (7) of section 22, where the capital goods, purchased other than by way of hire purchase, are disposed of otherwise than by way of sale within a period of three years from the date of purchase, there will be a reversal of input tax credit or input tax rebate in the month of such disposal of such capital goods, to the extent already enjoyed by the dealer in respect of purchase of such capital goods.

(5) Where capital goods obtained on hire purchase have been taken back by the dealer who sold such goods before the expiry of the period of hire purchase, there will be a reversal of input tax credit or input tax rebate in that month, to the extent already enjoyed by the dealer in respect of the unutilised period.

(6) Where a registered dealer who upon manufacturing any goods in West Bengal transfers such goods to an auctioneer, or agent in West Bengal, for effecting sales of such goods against commission or other remuneration, such auctioneer or agent shall not be entitled to get any input tax credit or input tax rebate.

(7) No input tax credit or input tax rebate shall be available to the Indian Tourism Development Corporation in respect of purchase in West Bengal of such goods which are sold to foreign tourists from its shop at Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose International Airport in Kolkata.

(8) Where containers or materials for packing of goods, supplied with such goods at the time of sale, are returnable to the seller, no input tax credit or input tax rebate shall be available on purchase of such containers or materials for packing or goods, unless such containers or materials are treated as capital goods under clause (6) of section 2.

(9) Where a dealer has enjoyed input tax credit or input tax rebate, which is not admissible to him, under any of the provisions of the Act or the rules made thereunder, the input tax credit or input tax rebate so enjoyed shall be reversed.