Andhra Pradesh Value Added Tax Rules, 2005- Forms

FORM 565


[ See Rule 65(7) ]

Authorisation to be filed by a person appearing before any authority on behalf of a dealer under Section 66 of the Andhra Pradesh Value Added Tax Act 2005

01. Tax Office Address:





Date Month Year



02 TIN/GRN                  

03. Name:____________________________________________________________________________________





I/We _________________________________________________________________________ hereby appoint Sri _____________________________________________ who is my relative/a person regularly employed by me/the said * _______________________________________________________ / a legal practitioner/ a Chartered Accountant/ a Sales Tax Practitioner to attend on my behalf/behalf of the said *______________________________________________ / before __________________ (state the Tax Authority) the proceedings (describe the proceedings) _________________ before the said (state the Tax Authority) ___________________________________ and to produce accounts and documents / statements and to receive on my behalf/behalf of the said ** _______________________ any notice or documents / statements issued in connection with the said proceedings Sri _______________________ is hereby authorised to act on my behalf/behalf of the said * _____________________________________ in the said proceedings.

I agree/the said* ____________________________________________ agrees to ratify all acts done by the said Sri _________________________________ in pursuance of this authorisation.

Signature(s) of the Authorizing person(s)

I / We _______________________________________ accept the above responsibility.



Signature(s) of Authorised person(s)

**** Delete as appropriate.