

(See rule 18)


(See rule 18)

Notice of assessment and demand for payment of tax NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT, AND DEMAND FOR PAYMENT OF TAX
Book No------

Serial No.-------

1-Name & address of dealer:



Book No.--------- Serial No.--------



(name and address of the dealer)

2-Turnover Rs.-------------

3- Tax assesedRs.---------

1-Take notice that you have been assessed/ Provisionally assessed under the Uttaranchal Value Added Tax Act,2005, on a turnover of Rs.............. to a tax of Rs. -----------------(Rupees--------------------
4-Input Tax Credit Rs-------- --------------------------------------------------------only) for the year, quarter or month ending .....................
5-Tax already paid Rs-------- 2- This tax includes Rs. --------------as Input Tax Credit allowed and Rs. ---------------------as tax already paid by you and the balance now due is Rs.---------------------
6-Balance payable Rs -------- 3-This tax / balance shall be paid by you within thirty days of the receipt of this notice.
Assessing Authority



4-The tax shall be paid by you within the period mentioned above and in the manner prescribed in Rule 19 failing which the amount will be recoverable as if it were an arrear of land revenue and you will also be liable to penalty under Section 58 of the Act

Date of service ----------

Assessing Authority

5-If the tax payable in terms of this Demand Notice includes any amount on account of tax payable on the admitted turnover, you shall be liable to pay simple interest at the rate of 15% per annum from the date of default of non payment of tax admittedly payable, and if the remaining amount of the demand remains unpaid for three months after the expiry of the time specified as above, you shall, as a consequence of such non payment, be further liable to pay simple interest at the rate of 12% per annum which shall run on the amount then remaining due from the date of expiry of the time specified in para3, and shall be added to the amount of tax and be deemed for all purposes to be part of the tax A copy of the assessment order is attached.
  Place ------------- Assessing Authority,
  Date--------------- Sector --------------------
    Circle ---------------------