The Chhattisgarh Value Added Tax Rules, 2006. - FORMS


Notice under section 57(6)(b) of Chhattisgarh Value Added Tax Act. 2005




(Registration Certificate No.______________)

Whereas I have reason to believe that you stored goods (Description of goods)_________of the assumed value of Rs.___________ in your place of business at___________ without accounting for them in your books of accounts with a view to evade the payment of tax amounting to Rs.________.

Now, wherefore, you are hereby called upon to show cause why a penalty equal to five time of the account of Tax of Rs.________ calculated on the assumed sale price of the said goods should not be imposed on you under clause(c) of sub-section(6) of section 57 of the Chhattisgarh Value Added Tax Act. 2005 and directed to appear in person or by a person authorized by you in writing under sub-section (1) of section 24 for being heard in this regard at ________ (place) __________ (time) ________on (date) _____________

Date _________ Designation ______________