The Chhattisgarh Value Added Tax Rules, 2006. - FORMS


{see rule 66}

Requisition for the services of a police officer

The Station House Officer


Whereas, I have reason to believe that the dealer M/s. ____________ (Name) of ________ (Address) has stored/kept at ________ ( Address of place) goods liable to tax without accounting for them in the books/registers/accounts maintained by him with a view to their surreptitious sale in order to evade payment of tax and it is proposed to enter and search the said premises at _______and thereafter, if necessary to seize the unaccounted goods, and whereas, I apprehend resistance to such entry, search and seizure, you are requested to render assistance for the said entry, search and seizure on_______(date)_________at_______(time)

Place ________ Signature ________________
Date _________ Designation ______________