The Chhattisgarh Value Added Tax Rules, 2006. - FORMS


[(see rule 39(l)]

Notice of demand for payment of tax, interest, penalty, or any other dues payable under the Chhattisgarh Value Added Tax Act, 2005.


Shri (Name of the dealer or person, as the case may be)_______


Registration Certificate No.____________

Take notice that,-

(i) *You have been finally assessed under the Chhattisgarh Value Added Tax Act, 2005, to a tax of Rs. ________ _______ (in figures) Rs. _______________(in words) only for the period from ______ to ___________ which is payable by you.

(ii)*A penalty of Rs. __________under section/*rule _______has been imposed on you.

(iii) *An amount of Rs. _______as interest payable by you under section ________has been levied.

2 . This*tax/*penalty /*interest includes Rs._________/_________ already paid by you towards tax/*penalty/ *interest and the balance is Rs.__________

3 . You are hereby directed to pay the sum of Rs._______(in figures) Rs._________(in words) only into the Government Treasury at ____________on or before (date)_________and to produce the copy of the treasury receipted chalan in proof of payment before the undersigned not later than the __________day of _____________ failing which the said sum of Rs.____________(in figures) Rs.______________________ (in words) only will be recovered from you as an arrear of land revenue.

4. A copy of the assessment order/*order imposing penalty is attached.

Seal Signed__________________
Date___________ Designation______________

*Strike out whichever is not applicable.