The Central Sales Tax (Orissa) Forms


Return for Unregistered Dealers

[See sub-rule (1) of rule 9 of the Central Sales Tax (Orissa) Rules, 1957]

01. Period covered by the return    
Date Month Year


Date Month Year


02. Name and Address of the dealer
03. If you have made no sale under the provisions of CST Act, 1956 during this period mark 'X' in the box  


Part - A

Particulars of Purchase

Sl. No   Purchase value excluding Tax Tax paid under CST/OVAT Act
1. Total Purchase from out side the State    
2. Purchase in course of import    

05. Inter-State Purchase    

1. Purchase @ 1 % tax rate    
2. Purchase @ 4 % tax rate    
3. Purchase @ 12.5 % tax rate    
4. Purchase @ 20 % tax rate    
5. Purchase of Tax exempted goods    
6. Any other purchase not specified above    


Part - B

Particulars of Sales

Sl. No Sale of goods under the CST Act Sale value excluding Tax


Tax due on sale value at 'A'


1. Sale of goods @ 1% rate of tax    
2. Sale of goods @ 2% rate of tax    
3. Sale of goods @ 4% rate of tax    
4. Sale of goods @ 8% rate of tax    
5. Sale of goods @ 10% rate of tax    
6. Sale of goods @ 12.5% rate of tax    
7. Sale of goods @ 20% rate of tax    
8. Sale of exempted goods    

07. Total Tax due (Total of Col. B of Sl. No.6)
08. Tax paid, if any.
09. Balance Tax payable (07-08)
10. Value of the goods transferred by way of stock transfer / Commission sale
11. Manner of payment of tax payable

Treasury Challan No./D.D. No./ Banker' cheque No. & Date Name of the Treasury / Bank Amount


I, _______________________________________ ( Name in Capital), hereby declare that the particulars furnished above are true and correct.

  Full signature of the authorized signatory
Place _______________ Name _____________________________
Date _______________ Status _____________________________