The Central Sales Tax (Orissa) Forms




[See rules 8,8A,12(1) and 16 of the Central Sales Tax (Orissa) Rules, 1957]

1. Office Address



Date Month Year
2. TIN
3. Name & Address of the dealer



4. Please take notice that a sum of Rs.------------/- (Rupees --------------) has been determined as dues payable by you for the period from ------- to -----under the Central Sales Tax (Orissa) Rules, 1957 as per details given below:

  Rs. Paise
· Tax due as per order dt.    
· Interest due as per order dt.    
· Penalty u/r 8A as per order dt.
· Penalty u/r 12(2) as per order dt.
· Penalty u/r 12(3) as per order dt.
· Penalty u/r 12(4) read with rule 10 as per order dt.    
.Penalty u/r 12(5) read with rule 9 as per order dt.    
· Any other amount due as per order dt.    

(Strike out which ever is not applicable)

5. You are required to pay this amount of Rs.-------/-(Rupees---------) in the Government Treasury at -------on or before dt.--------and to produce the receipt in proof of payment in the office not later than dt.----failing which, the said sum will be recoverable from you as an arrear of land revenue.

6. You are further warned that unless the amount as aforesaid is paid and evidence of such payment is produced by the date fixed above, penalty as specified under sub-rule (2) of rule 16 shall be imposed.

7. If you are dissatisfied with the order of assessment or order imposing penalty, you may prefer appeal before the ------within thirty days from the date of receipt of the said order.