The Central Sales Tax (Orissa) Forms


Application for refund of the security deposit under section 7 of the

Central Sales Tax Act, 1956

(See rule 2-B)


The Sales Tax Officer
Assistant Commissioner of Sales Tax

I .................................. proprietor/partner /principal officer/manager/authorised departmental officer of the business known as .................................... bearing Tax Payers' Identification No ................................ whose only/chief place of business in the district of ............................ is situate at P. O. ............................... pray for refund of Rs. .................................. being the amount of security/excess security deposit paid by me. The refund may be paid in cash/by refund adjustment order payable at ................................


2 The refund of security is claimed for the following reasons:-
  (a) My registration certificate has been cancelled.
  (b) The security exceeded the tax estimated as being payable for one year.
  (c) After adjusting the security under section 7 (3-C), the amount remained in excess.
  (d) The security is not required for proper realisation of tax or proper custody and use of C forms/E-I and E-II forms/F forms.

3. The amount of security was paid in Challan No. ................................. dated ............................

I, ............................................. the applicant named above do hereby declare that what is stated herein is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and also further declare that amount of refund claimed above has been paid by me as security.
