The West Bengal Sales Tax - Forms


Application for clearance certificate under section 94 (2) of the West Bengal Sales Tax Act, 1994

[See rule 273]


The Assistant Commissioner/Commercial Tax Officer

...............................Charge /Section


I request that a certificate under sub-section (2) of section 94 of the West Bengal Sales Tax Act, 1994 be granted to me, I require the certificate for receiving payment for execution of a works contract.

*I am not liable to pay tax under section 21 of the said Act/I have paid tax payable by, or due from me under section 21 of the said Act.

I give below the necessary particulars :-


1. Full name and address of the applicant :
2. Name and address of the business of the applicant :
3. Name and address of branches, if any, of the business :
4. Particulars of proprietor/partner of the business :
  (a) Name :
  (b) Father's name :
  (c) Residential address :
  (d) Permanent address      

Details of books of account maintained.


Particulars of works for which the certificate is necessary :-

Name of the contractee Contract No. Date Value of contract

I here by declare that the information of particulars furnished hereinbefore are true to my knowledge and belief.


Place :

Signature of the applicant.................................

  Status : ...............................................................

Certificate of clearance

The particulars set out above are verified and it is certified that the above mentioned applicant has -

* no liability to pay tax under section 21 of the West Bengal Sales Tax Act, 1994 :

* paid tax payable by, or due from him, under section 21 of the West Bengal Sales Tax Act, 1994.


Place :

Signature of the Commercial Tax Officer

Date : ...................................Charge/section