The West Bengal Sales Tax - Forms


Instruction for acceptance of composition money under section 90 of the West Bengal Sales Tax Act, 1994

[See rule 270]


The Officer-in-Charge of  
  the Government Treasury at...........................
  Calcutta Collectorate Treasury.........................
  the Reserve Bank of India at Calcutta.

Whereas in accordance with the provision of section 90 /section 90A of the West Bengal Sales Tax Act, 1994, I have agreed to accept by way of composition the sum of Rs. ....................(Rupees .......................) from ...................... (dealer) of ............................ (address), you are hereby directed to receive the said sum on my behalf and to place it to the credit of the State Revenue, and to return two receipted challans to the aforesaid dealer and one copy of the *challan to me.

  to ..............(the appropriate assessing authority)
Date .......................... Signature ..........................................................
  Commissioner/Special Commissioner/Additional Commissioner, Commercial Taxes, West Bengal Deputy Commissioner, .................. Circle Assistant Commissioner, Commercial Tax Officer, .................................... Charge



Copy forwarded to the Assistant Commissioner/Commercial Tax Officer of .......................

Note - Strike out whatever is not applicable.