The West Bengal Sales Tax - Forms


Notice for payment of penalty under section 98B(2) of the West Bengal Sales Tax Act, 1994.

[See rule 238A(3)]


...................................................... (dealer)

...................................................... (address)

Certificate of Registration No. (if any) ...............................

In continuation of the notice in Form 51A issued to you on.......................... day of .........................., you are hereby informed that the amount of penalty payable by you under sub-section (2) of section 98B of the West Bengal Sales Tax Act, 1994, has been determined at Rs. ............................................................ (in figures) (Rupees ...........................) (in words).

You are, therefore, directed to pay the sum of Rs. ....................(in figures) (Rupees ........................................) (in words) into the Reserve Bank of India at Calcutta or the Government Treasury at ............................. within fifteen days from the date of service of this notice and to produce the receipted challan in proof of such payment before the undersigned not later than ten days of making such payment failing which, the said sum shall be recoverable from you as an arrear of land revenue.



  Signature .........................................................
Date : .......................................... Designation .....................................................
Address : .................................... ..................... Charge/Circle/Section/Division