The West Bengal Sales Tax - Forms


Notice of demand of penalty under section 71A or under section 71B of the West Bengal Sales Tax Act, 1994.

[See rule 227A (6)]


................................................ (Name of the transporter)

................................................. (address)

In continuation of the notice in Form 44A issued to you on the of are hereby informed that the market value of the seized goods given at your option to your custody and subsequently *delivered by you to the consignee or the owner of such seized goods/disposed of otherwise by you, in contravention of the provisions of sub-section (4) of section 70, or the value or the goods by transported by you contravention of section 68 has been determined at Rs. .................(in figures) (Rupees ....................only) (in words) and that a penalty under section 71A or under section 71B, of the West Bengal Sales Tax Act, 1994, for Rs. ..................(in figures) (Rupees ........................) (in words) has been imposed on you ;

You are hereby directed to pay the sum of Rs. ....................(in figures) (Rupees.........................) (in words) in the *Reserve Bank of India/ Government Treasury at......................on or before ......................(date) and to produce the receipted copy of challan in proof of the payment before the undersigned not later than of ..........................



Address ........................... Signature .......................................
  (Prescribed authority)
Date ...................... Designation...........................




* Strike out whichever is not applicable.