The West Bengal Sales Tax - Forms


Application for way bill in Form 48 for transport of goods from any place in West Bengal to any place outside West Bengal by registered dealers

(See rule 215 read with rule 214C)


The ............................................................. (*assessing authority/authorised officer)

.................................................................. (Name of *Charge/Division/Section/Circle/ Check-post)

I, ................................................................. (name) ............................................ (status of the applicant) carrying on business under the trade name of ........................................ holding certificate of registration No. ............................. do hereby apply under rule 215 of the West Bengal Sales Tax Rules, 1995 for ......................................... (state the number of forms) way bill in Form 48 required for the purpose of rule 214C of the said rules.

I declare that-


*(a) no way bill in Form 48 has been received by me on any previous occasion,
*(b) way bill in Form 48 has been received by me on the last two occasions as follows :
  (i) ................................ (here state the total number of forms) forms bearing Sl. No. (s) ................ to ...................... on ........................(date).
  (ii)................................... (here state the total number of forms) forms bearing Sl. No. (s) ................ to ...................... on ........................ (date).
*(c) the stock of way bill in Form 48 held by me on the date of application is ............................ (total number) bearing Sl. No. (s) ................................

Please supply the way bills in Form 48 to *me/us/................................(specify full name) who is hereby duly authorised to receive the said form and acknowledge the receipt thereof. The attested signature of the authorised recipient is appended below.

Attested signature of the recipient : ............................................................


  Address of place of business....................


*Strike out whichever is not applicable.