The West Bengal Sales Tax - Forms


Notice of demand for payment of the amount of tax payable determined under section 11

(See rule 188(3))


.......................... (Name of the casual trader)

............................. (address)

*In continuation of the notice in Form 28 issued to you on .................. day of ....................... (year/*with reference to your petition of appeal/*revision dated the .................. day of ...................... (year) before the .......................... (name of the authority), you are hereby informed that the sale-price of the goods **as described in the said notice has been determined by me/*has been determined in *appeal/revision at Rs. .................. (in figures) (Rupees ......................) (in words) and the amount of tax payable by you has been determined at Rs. ..................... (in figure) (Rupees ........................) (in words).

You are hereby directed to deposit the amount (as per details below) into the Reserve Bank of India at Calcutta/Government Treasury at (place) ...................... and to produce the receipt in proof of the payment before the undersigned on or before .................. (date), failing which the unpaid amount of tax shall be recoverable from you in accordance with the provision of section 52.

Amount of tax payable under sub-section (1) of section 11 Rs. .................

Less amount, if any paid .................................... Rs. .....................

Amount due/paid in excess ................................. Rs. .....................

Date ..................  
  Signature .................................
  Designation ...................................

* Strike out whichever is not applicable