The West Bengal Sales Tax - Forms


[See proviso to sub-rule (1) of rule 161]

Return of tax payable under the West Bengal Sales Tax Act, 1994, by a dealer having annual turnover of sales of rupees six lakhs or less as per his books of accounts maintained on the basis of mercantile system/cash system for the *year/ *quarter/*month ending the ................................... day of ........................................................ ............................................................................................................................................

Name of the dealer ........................................................................ carrying on business under the trade name of ............................................................

Address of the dealer ...........................................................................................................................

Dealer's Certificate of registration No. under the Act ........................................................................

Permanent Account No. of the dealer under the Income Tax Act, 1961 (if any) .........................................

Enrolment Certificate No. of the dealer under the State Tax on Profession, etc. ...............................

1. Gross turnover of sales   Rs. ...........................
2. Less sales under section 17(3) :    
  [a] Sales under the Central Sales Tax Act, 1956 Rs. ...........................  
  [b] Exports Rs. ...........................  
  [c] Sales of exempted goods Rs. ...........................  
  [d] Other sales Rs. ...........................  
3. Balance Turnover of sales  

Rs. ...........................

4. Computation of tax payable on sales :    

Break up of balance of sales shown in item 3 (Amount) Rate of tax (percentage)


Deduction under section 17(3) (b) Taxable Turnover of sales on which tax is payable (col.1-col. 3) Tax payable under section 17 (col.4x col. 2)
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)


4A. Value added tax payable Rs. ......................................
5. Tax on purchases payable Rs. ......................................
6. Tax on which surcharge is payable Rs. ......................................
6A. Tax on which additional surcharge is payable Rs. ......................................
7. Surcharge payable on the amount shown in 6 Rs. ......................................
7A. Additional surcharge payable on the amount shown in 6A Rs. ......................................
8. Amount of tax set-off Rs. ......................................
9. Total tax including surcharge and additional surcharge payable Rs. ......................................
10. Any other amount payable (interest, etc.) Rs. ......................................
11. Total amount paid Rs. ......................................

Rs. Challan No. & date Bank & Branch
...................................... ...................................... ......................................
...................................... ...................................... ......................................
...................................... ...................................... ......................................


I/We declare that the above statements are true to the best of my/our knowledge and belief.

PLACE   SIGNATURE .......................


STATUS ..............................



* Strike out whichever is not applicable