The West Bengal Sales Tax - Forms


Notice granting permission under sub-section (3) of section 30A of the West Bengal Sales Tax Act, 1994 to make payment of the compounded amount.

[See rule 176(3) and rule 177(1)]


The ........................................................... (name of the dealer)





Certificate of registration No.


With reference to your application dated .......................... made under sub-section (2) of section 30A of the West Bengal Sales Tax Act, 1994 for permission to pay an amount in composition of tax under the said Act in respect of the year ending on ........................................ you are informed that the tax payable by you in respect of the said is compounded at Rs. ............................ (in figures) (Rupees ............................. (in words);

You are directed to pay the aforesaid compounded amount in four equal instalments by ............................ (date), ................................... (date), ................................. (date) and ................................... (date) respectively;

You are further informed that in case of your failure to make payment of the amount of tax compounded by the dates as specified above, you will be liable to pay a simple interest at the rate of two per centum per month in accordance with the provisions of section 32A, and failing to pay the payment of the compounded amount or interest, as the case may be, the unpaid amount shall be recoverable from you in accordance with the provisions of section 52.


Signature ...................................................


(appropriate assessing authority)


.................................... (Charge/Division).

Date :