The West Bengal Sales Tax - Forms


Certificate for tax deemed to have been paid under sub-section (10) of section 40 of the West Bengal Sales Tax Act, 1994

[See rule 114 (5) and rule 127]


................................................................. (dealer)

................................................................. (Address)

With reference to your application dated Form 20 for creation of a loan liability for you under sub-section (10) of section 40 of the West Bengal Sales Tax Act, 1994 for an amount of Rs. ................................... (in figures) (Rupees .................................. (in words) in respect of the year ended on the ............................./part of year from the ................................ to the ........................ against the tax deferred for such year/part of year under sub-section (1) of section 40 and in consideration of the creation of such loan liability for you for such amount equal to the tax deferred in respect of such year/part of year, it is hereby certified that such amount of deferred tax of Rs. ................................................ (in figures) (Rupees ...................................... (in words) shall be deemed to have been paid by you under the said sub-section on the date (s) prescribed for payment as indicated below:-

Details in respect of the said amount is given below :-

Period of return Prescribed date for payment according to return/notice under section 40 Amount of tax payable and deferred Amount of tax deemed to have been paid






Date .....................................

Prescribed authority

* Strike out whichever is not applicable