The West Bengal Sales Tax - Forms


Register of Account of Raw Materials for Manufacture of goods specified in Schedule II

[See rule 62B (1) (a) (i)]

Name and address of the factory ....................................................................................................

Description of raw material/components ........................................................................................


Date Opening Balance Quantity received Total Quantity used in the manufacture of Quantity otherwise disposed of Quantity wasted or destroyed Closing Balance Quantity of goods specified in Schedule II manufactured Quantity of other goods manufactured Remarks Signature of the dealer
Goods specified in Schedule II Other goods Nature of the disposal Quantity
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Total for the month

Notes :

1. Separate opening should be provided in respect of each raw material/component.

2. If any raw material/component is used for more than one goods specified in Schedule II or other goods manufactured, quantity used for each of such goods should be shown separately along with description of such goods by suitably sub-dividing column 5 and 6

3. Columns 11 and 12 need not be filled in daily; only the monthly figures may be shown against "Total for the month":